OMF Update: Please Pray for New Workers heading to Orientation Course this month

Thank you for your partnership in sharing the good news of Jesus in all its fullness with East Asians. As the new year kicks into gear, I invite you to join us in prayer for our new workers heading to Orientation Course in Singapore this month: Paul and Mary* with their children will be serving at the J.O. Fraser Center (JOFC) in Thailand. JOFC is a discipleship and training center for local Christians between the

Partnership Update – Paul and Deb Howells

To our Dear Family in Jesus at the Living Church, Well another year is almost gone and what a year it has been 😊 There have been ups and downs and trials and testings but overall we have seen the work go ahead over here — due to the grace of our great God. People saved, churches planted and more missionaries sent out. The Lord also enabled us to meet our goal of completing the

Partnership Update – Paul and Deb Howells

Good Morning Our Dear Co-Workers, Deb and my trip to Limunsudan was a really beautiful time last Saturday. The people are amazing there and there are about 50 believers in this infant church. I will put a short clip below that you can click on to have a look at some of the highlights of the time. The population of Limunsudan is about 50% Higaonon and 50% Maranao (Muslim). Quite a few of those who

Partnership Update – Paul and Deb Howells

In August, Paul and Deb held their 3rd missions conference. “It was a beautiful time where we shared in the Word a lot, had times of praise, relaxed and ate delicious food, had fantastic fellowship together and each team shared a testimony of what is happening in their regions. In a nutshell – it was a precious time.” Click here to see the missionary team that Paul and Deb work with. Please be praying for

Young Adults Mosque Visit

In early August, a group of our Young Adults visited the Holland Park Mosque. Click here to read more about their visit and what they learned.   

Can you teach English?

Australian Presbyterian World Mission is looking for someone with training in teaching ‘English to Speakers of Other Languages’, or someone with a degree that includes teaching English. The need is for 2025-2026. Talua’s students need help in improving their level of English since there are so many theological resources written in English and so few written in Bislama, the heart language for many students. Talua is a 45 minute drive from Luganville, Vanuatu’s second largest

APWM – 200 Bibles for 100 Villages

Imagine living in a remote African village where life is hard, and you struggle to make ends meet. Imagine that the Bible is available in your mother tongue, but you can’t afford to buy one, even if it were available in your remote location. Imagine trying to preach Sunday by Sunday when few people have a Bible! That’s the situation in at least 100 remote villages in Malawi. These villages have congregations belonging to APWM’s