August Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for August 2022.  The Cash Flow graph represents our ‘Cash at Bank’ at the end of each month.  ‘Cash at Bank’ refers to all our bank accounts, excluding Capital Funds or Special Projects Account.  The second graph illustratesthe gap between budgeted and actual giving to help us see how any ‘gap’ is tracking. You will notice that our giving is significantly higher than budget. In March, we received $100,000 from an anonymous

July Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for July 2022.  The Cash Flow graph represents our ‘Cash at Bank’ at the end of each month.  ‘Cash at Bank’ refers to all our bank accounts, excluding Capital Funds or Special Projects Account.  The second graph illustratesthe gap between budgeted and actual giving to help us see how any ‘gap’ is tracking. You will notice that our giving is significantly higher than budget. In March, we received $100,000 from an anonymous

June Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for June 2022.  The Cash Flow graph represents our ‘Cash at Bank’ at the end of each month.  ‘Cash at Bank’ refers to all our bank accounts, excluding Capital Funds or Special Projects Account.  The second graph illustratesthe gap between budgeted and actual giving to help us see how any ‘gap’ is tracking. You will notice that our giving is significantly higher than budget. In March, we received $100,000 from an anonymous

EOFY – What Does This Mean To You?

‘EOFY’ are letters we see around the shops and in ads at this time of year. Most people are aware of end of financial year. For some of us, it means extra reporting, extra work, extra jobs, but for most of us, it probably doesn’t mean much other than having to do a tax return. And we all love those, right? Hebrews 13:5 says: Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content

May Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for May 2022.  The Cash Flow graph represents our ‘Cash at Bank’ at the end of each month.  ‘Cash at Bank’ refers to all our bank accounts, excluding Capital Funds or Special Projects Account.  The second graph illustratesthe gap between budgeted and actual giving to help us see how any ‘gap’ is tracking. You will notice that our giving is significantly higher than budget. In March, we received $100,000 from an anonymous

April Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for April 2022.  The Cash Flow graph represents our ‘Cash at Bank’ at the end of each month.  ‘Cash at Bank’ refers to all our bank accounts, excluding Capital Funds or Special Projects Account.  The second graph illustratesthe gap between budgeted and actual giving to help us see how any ‘gap’ is tracking. You will notice that our giving is significantly higher than budget. In March, we received $100,000 from an anonymous

February Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for February2022.  The Cash Flow graph represents our ‘Cash at Bank’ at the end of each month.  ‘Cash at Bank’ refers to all our bank accounts, but not our Capital Funds or Special Projects Account.  The second graph shows the gap between budgeted and actual giving – this helps us see how any ‘gap’ is tracking. For a more detailed explanation of our current financial position, or if you have any questions,

October Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for October 2021.  The Cash Flow graph represents our ‘Cash at Bank’ at the end of each month.  ‘Cash at Bank’ refers to all our bank accounts, but not our Capital Funds or Special Projects Account.  The second graph shows the gap between budgeted and actual giving – this helps us see how the ‘gap’ is tracking. For a more detailed explanation of our current financial position, or if you have any