‘EOFY’ are letters we see around the shops and in ads at this time of year. Most people are aware of end of financial year. For some of us, it means extra reporting, extra work, extra jobs, but for most of us, it probably doesn’t mean much other than having to do a tax return. And we all love those, right?

Hebrews 13:5 says: Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

There are hundreds of verses in the bible about money, so why did I choose this one? Well, it has the classic point that we must not love money, but it also talks about being content with what we have. In the next couple of months, you’ll be doing your tax return. For most of us, we get some tax back. Maybe it’s a little, maybe it’s a lot. If you are content with what you have now, what will you do with that bonus money? Will you put it into your savings account? Will you have a little splurge on something for yourself or your kids? Is there a way you can use it to be generous? What would it look like to use some, or all, of your tax return to help others? It could be here at church, a charity you feel passionate about or maybe there’s someone in your local area you know is doing it tough and you could use that money to bless them.

I was going to leave you with a fun fact about taxes but after a deep dive into ATO statistics my brain hurt, so instead let me leave you with this: as you complete your tax return, and you get to that bottom line at the end that says what you’ll get back, I invite you to prayerfully think about how you could steward that money for God’s glory.