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May 2019

City South | Talk 2 | A Dancing King | Still Waiting for the True King

In the rest King David brings to God’s people we see glimpses of a priest king like Adam in Eden, enjoying rest in God’s presence and reviving God’s ancient promises to Abraham.

We all long for rest. Israel momentarily experiences this rest and rejoicing, but we can only experience lasting satisfaction of this longing through Jesus.
Hands Statement:FIRST Steps: Stop seeking joy and rest in distractions, temporary things, and false gods.

Practicing true rest is letting God be God. Stop trying to sign God up to build and bless your kingdom. Rest in Jesus by enjoying God’s presence, on his terms.

Talk 2 | A Dancing King | Still Waiting for the True King

In the rest King David brings to God’s people we see glimpses of a priest king like Adam in Eden, enjoying rest in God’s presence and reviving God’s ancient promises to Abraham.

We all long for rest. Israel momentarily experiences this rest and rejoicing, but we can only experience lasting satisfaction of this longing through Jesus.
Hands Statement:FIRST Steps: Stop seeking joy and rest in distractions, temporary things, and false gods.

Practicing true rest is letting God be God. Stop trying to sign God up to build and bless your kingdom. Rest in Jesus by enjoying God’s presence, on his terms.

A Dancing King

Big idea King David leads Israel in a great celebration of joy. Only King Jesus brings a joyful celebration that lasts forever. Bible passage Read

The Lord establishes David as King

God establishes David as King over all Israel for the sake of his people. 2 Samuel 5:6-16  6 The king and his men marched to Jerusalem

A New Beginning

New beginnings can be wonderful times of much promise. 2 Samuel 5:1-5  5 All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, ‘We

Light in Darkness

In a world that includes and celebrates barbaric melodrama, followers of Jesus are called to be children of light. 2 Samuel 4 4 When Ish-Bosheth son

My Hope

Out of the doom and gloom of the people’s failed king, we see hope rising in God’s promised king. 2 Samuel 3:22-39 22 Just then David’s

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