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October 2017

Lord’s Supper at Creek Road

The Lord’s Supper is a wonderful way to celebrate our salvation in Jesus together as a church family. It’s a meal given to the church


“Now about the collection for the Lord’s people…” (1 Cor. 16:1) The Corinthians had written to Paul with some questions about “the collection”. We don’t

What Women do in Churches

10 things women can do in churches (according to 1 Corinthians) There’s a couple of passages in 1 Corinthians where Paul talks specifically about how

What are Spiritual Gifts?

“Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.” — 1 Corinthians 12:1 What are your

Church & Growth Group

A great way to ‘Love My Church’ is to join and commit to a Growth Group. Here are 5 reasons why- 1. To grow your

What’s the Gift of Prophecy?

What is Prophecy? “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” — 1 Corinthians 14:1 Paul has spoken of

Sickness & Judgement

Is Suffering God’s Punishment? Facing suffering and death is always awful. When you face it as a Christian there can be an added element of

Evangelism and Church

Evangelism. E-van-gel-ism. Let that word roll around in your mouth for a while. Does it bring into your mind an image that is warm, or

Baptism for the Dead

Sometimes as you’re reading the Bible you hit a phrase or sentence that throws you for a loop. There’ll be a verse that sounds weird,

Bible Talks


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