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At last we see King David facing up to what he has done.

2 Samuel 12:13-14 

13 Then David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’

Nathan replied, ‘The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for the Lord, the son born to you will die.’

Cross,Jesus,God,Holy Spirit,Daily Devotion,Confession

All this week we have been watching the story of this train wreck of David’s adultery and the murder he has committed and Nathan the prophet calling it what it is. It’s like watching a film or video of a roller coaster ride in slow-motion. Getting to these two verses is like reaching the top of the hill where everything slows even further before the quickening hurtle down the other side where we see the consequences of David’s actions tumbling out throughout the rest of his life.

The truth of David ‘s actions now match the words coming from his mouth and heart. ‘I have sinned against the Lord’ he says. A simple but deep confession. Of course, he has sinned against Uriah and Bathsheba but primarily his sin has been against God himself. When we hurt other people, we hurt God who made them in his own image and who bought them with the blood of his Son Jesus.

David’s confession is countered by a gracious word from Nathan ‘the Lord has taken away your sin – you are not going to die’. That must have been reassuring for David at that moment for a little while at least. Later he dwells on that grace and his thoughts and learnings work their way into Psalm 51.

This is King David’s big fall from grace. This is the king who would be so different. But Israel is left still waiting for a better king. Nathan accuses David of showing contempt for the Lord. This takes me back to the early chapters of 1 Samuel when this phrase was used to describe Eli’s wicked sons who ministered to the people under their father. David was doing what was right in his own eyes. Has anything really changed?

Head: When you do wrong either to others or by disobeying God’s law do you see it as something small or do you connect it to sinning against God himself?

Heart: How can you keep your heart sensitive to sin so that confession becomes a natural part of walking with God each day?

Hands: Are there actions you need to take to minimise the risk of falling into the types of sins you find attractive and enticing?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father. Many of us love to read this account of these gross sins of adultery and murder committed by David and feel a certain amount of self-righteous smugness; thanking you that we are not like that. As soon as we do that, we are remined of the story Jesus told of a man who prayed that type of prayer and was not even heard by you. Help us to remain sensitive to our own sinfulness and to recognise that all sin hurts you. We thank you for the forgiveness offered and secured by Jesus. Help us also to stand with empathy alongside our brothers and sisters who fall into

these life-wrecking sins which are similar to David’s and help us to continue to show them the hope and forgiveness which are found in you alone.

A song to listen to: · Grace awaiting me

Tim Hewlett

Living Church – Creek Road

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