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35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

John 6:35

Reflect for a moment on the absoluteness of the word “never”.

It’s this qualifier that Jesus puts on the concept of hunger and thirst. These phrases evoke a satisfaction so complete – a satisfaction that we can’t find anywhere else. A big meal might fill us up for a bit… until the next meal. We might even be happy for a few years with a new job, house, or car. But what happens when these things start to break down? Jesus tells us that in him we will find complete satisfaction.

What is the world – media, education, social media – telling you about where satisfaction is found? Spend a moment reflecting on these promises of the world. Do you find it frustrating when they don’t deliver a true satisfaction? Now spend a moment reflecting on what Jesus did for you, and the claim that in him you will find complete satisfaction. What might need to change for you to trust and rely on the sufficiency of Jesus for your satisfaction?

Sit and meditate on God – listen to what he wants to say to you through this. Respond to him in prayer.

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