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Do you live your life with confidence that God has a plan?

 Esther 4:11-14

Esther said, “All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold sceptre to them and spares their lives…” Mordecai…sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place…And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Cross, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Daily Devotion, Plan

While it is true that the word “God” is never mentioned in Esther’s story, the story only makes sense when it is read with another great rescue in the background, the Exodus from Egypt. That story where God’s name is spoken again and again and God saves his people using big, bold miraculous events. This time, the way God uses to save his people looks to the human eye like ‘luck’. But Mordecai knows it’s not ‘luck’. He knows the God who rescued his people from Egypt. The same God who works in the miraculous and the bold, works in the everyday and the common events of life. And while it feels like a roll of the dice, God’s plan is not ‘let’s roll the dice and see what happens’. It’s a plan that was always going to come to its climax in the birth of Jesus within the Jewish nation. So Mordecai knew God would, somehow, rescue his people from Haman’s plan to wipe them out. Because of Jesus, we know where God is taking the world: to a new heavens and earth. Our lives are caught up in that plan. So, let’s live with Mordecai and Esther’s humility about their own lives, and yet with their confidence that God would follow through on his plan.

Head: See your life as lived between the climax of God’s plan (Jesus’ death and resurrection) and the guaranteed end result that’s yet to come, the new heavens and earth.

Heart: Ask God to give your heart, Mordecai and Esther’s humility about their own lives and yet their confidence in God following through on his plan in Jesus.

Hands: Mordecai called Esther to action: “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” You are alive today, in this place, in the plan of God. Consider every action you take today as an opportunity to speak and live for him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please give my heart Mordecai and Esther’s humility about their own lives and yet their confidence in you. I praise you for sending Jesus to die and rise again for us. In him you’ve guaranteed the end result that’s yet to come, the new heavens and earth. Thank you that you have brought me to this day and this place, in your plan. Please enable me to consider every action I take today as an opportunity to speak and live for you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.  

A Song to Listen to: Saved My Soul

Phil Strong

This Grow Daily was originally posted as part of the Must See Passages series in 2016. During the School Holidays we take the opportunity to look back at the best of Grow Dailys over the years.

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