The disciples are found sleeping on the job – but why?

Luke 22:45 – 46

45 When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 46 ‘Why are you sleeping?’ he asked them. ‘Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.’

Cross,Jesus,God,Holy Spirit,Daily Devotion,Sorrow

The observations of Doctor Luke are different from the other disciple’s detail of this event. Both Mathew and Mark refer to the disciples being caught sleeping but only Luke observes why they are in this resting state. Luke observes that their sleep is due to the fact that they are ‘exhausted from sorrow.’   

I have always thought that the disciples were human and therefore weak and that is why they fell asleep. Just think about the lives of these men they had given up their home and they often slept rough now they are in the countryside probably having had to walk there late at night and they are naturally very tired.  Yet I think that this extra insight from the medical doctor helps us to understand the real reason behind their tiredness. Yes their flesh was weak but they are also consumed with sadness and overwhelmed with their sorrow. This extreme emotion has caused them to sleep. Instead of being removed from Jesus grief they are actually so immersed in it that they are experiencing human exhaustion.  

Jesus is human too but Jesus is an exceptional human as he is God. Therefore, he does not fall into the temptation of the weakness of the flesh he knows that he is about to enter the battlefield and even more than ever he needs to commit himself into the father’s hands. So he prays.  

This is truly such a momentous point in history. We could go as far as saying one of the greatest as at this time of mental anguish Jesus does not bow to the human weakness of the flesh but he remains resolute and true to the task (however dreadful) that is ahead of him. For this we are eternally thankful. Praise God.  

Head:  What excuses do we have to cause us not to pray? Reflect on the excuses and then on the reasons why we should pray.  

Heart:  May our hearts be moved to pray as Jesus encouraged his disciples to pray so as not to fall into temptation.  

Hands:  Pray.  

Prayer: LORD thank you, that word does not seem strong enough but it is all we have to use so thank you for not succumbing to temptation and for making the sacrifice for us. In the garden you did not turn away from the task that was set before you but you went to the cross, for me, for all humanity. Such love, such strength. You are God. AMEN.  

A song to listen to: Man of Sorrows  

Emma-Jane McNicol 

Living Church – Creek Road