22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; – Ephesians 4:22

In this letter to the church Paul has emphasised the fact that this group of believers from different walks of life, from Jew and Gentile camps, from slave and free, males and females have become a new humanity through Jesus. He goes even further to remind them that they are ‘in Christ’. Their new selves live in Christ, are powered by Christ, are safe in Christ and when God the Father looks upon them, he sees the beauty of Christ. What an encouragement that is for us! It gives us a desire and a God given power to live out this new life in Christ where we love God and others – not because we ought to but because we want to.
But there is another side to this story. Our old life hangs around and will continue to do so until we leave these sin-marred bodies of ours. This verse reminds us that our old self is corrupted. Our desires often deceive us leading us to things we think we need for a good life, but they turn out not to be for our good.
We do well to remember that this old self does not correctly or totally reflect who we are; that we have been made new creatures in Christ who gives us the desire to live out this new life and the power to resist the desires of our old selves. May this be our prayer today.
Tim Hewlett – Living Church, Creek Road