This week as we have looked at Ephesians 4:17-24 and the big idea has been that since we have put on the “new humanity” in Christ, created to be like God, we shouldn’t live as if we are still enslaved under the power of our sinful nature. Instead, we should choose to live out that new humanity through our choices and our behaviours which are forming us.
Walking Dead is a TV series of a zombie apocalypse and a group of survivors that were trying to escape the zombies. That’s what comes to mind when in the passage how Paul described the Gentiles. Zombies, walking dead. That’s what I was and what I would be if I wasn’t saved by grace and didn’t have God’s spirit in me. Mindlessly following the ‘worldly’ things and seeking to satisfy my sinful nature, which corrupts and destroys the possibility of life with God.
I praise God I am made alive by his Spirit. I praise God that he has saved me. Below are the lyrics to ‘Made Alive’ by Citizen. Read them as a prayer of praise and ask God to show you your true identity and how to live that today.
I once was dead in sin alone and hopeless
A child of wrath I walked condemned in darkness
But Your mercy brought new life and in Your love and kindness
Raised me up with Christ and made me righteous
You have bought me back with the riches of
Your amazing grace and relentless love
I’m made alive forever with You, life forever
By Your grace I’m saved, by Your grace I’m saved
Lord, You are the light that broke the darkness
You satisfy my soul when I am heartless
If ever I forget my true identity
Show me who I am and help me to believe
Petrina Rangiawha – Living Church, Creek Road