15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. – Ephesians 5:15 – 16

Paul’s encouragement to Christians is that we need wisdom from the Lord to live a consistent life. That is, a life that is controlled by the reality of the gospel. For example, faced with a hostile neighbour, we need to remember our hostility to God that he overcame with mercy. We need to hold in our thoughts the cost of that reconciliation through the cross. Then we must be mindful of this being all of God’s grace. Taking that to heart, and being controlled by it, is not easy but our response to our hostile neighbour can be one of approaching with grace and mercy and being willing to suffer some loss if reconciliation can be gained. It is only the complete security we have in Christ that allows us to do that.
Making the best use of our time in this is also difficult but perhaps one help is for us to think back (hopefully not current when you read this) to when we were in lockdown. You probably thought then, “when I regain my liberty, I am going to do all sorts of things to serve the Lord.” Simple question – are you doing those things and making good use of your time while you can?
David Johnston – Creek Road Campus