November 2023

Tearfund Christmas Appeal 2023

Choose a gift. Send a card. Fight poverty! Tearfund Useful Gifts Shop is running again this year and gives you the opportunity to browse the

Prayer 16 November 2023

Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.  1 John 3:18 Pray for all the friends and

New Year – Stages of Life

Can you believe it’s November? It’s less than 7 weeks till Christmas! But I’m not going to talk about Christmas, I’m going to talk about

Free Folders

Hi church family. This may seem like an odd post, but I would hate to see them go to waste… After a recent clean out

October Finance Report

Below is the Finance Report for October 2023. The first section is titled ‘Operations’, summarising giving, expenses and forecast operating profit/loss for the year. The second

Carols Carnival Postcards

Living Church Carols Carnival is a super exiting event in our church calendar! It is always filled with so much joy and fun, but we

Help with Carols auditorium set up

For those of you like me who don’t love being front and center but still like being involved in making stuff look amazing, below is

Bible Talks


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Songs we sing

Stream the songs we sing at Living Church on Spotify
Stream playlist