January 2021

14.1 The humble Messiah

Jesus is the humble Messiah who has the power to heal. Luke 40-41 At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds

14.1 A “Messiah Happening” Near You

I was driving around before Christmas and heard over the classical music station, “Check your local guides for a “Messiah” happening near you” Luke 4:38-39

11.1 Jesus Fought Temptation

Humans are most susceptible to temptation when we’re at our weakest, Jesus was no exception. Luke 4:1-13 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and

Poverty – It’s not what you think | 10 January 2021 Livestream

Recent research into poverty confirms what the Bible has taught all along. The emphasis of Psalms and Proverbs is on how the poor are treated rather than what they don’t have. How does the Bible describe the plight of the poor and how should we respond? Does the answer lie in just giving stuff or is it something else?

10.1 Responding to Temptation

Our response to temptation reveals the true essence of our character. Luke 4:1-13 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the

8.1 Jesus’ Family

What can we learn from our family history? Luke 3:23-38 Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the

7.1 Doubly the son of God

Jesus is like is father God, and his father Adam – fully God, fully man. Luke 3:23-38 Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old

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