The Unfaithful Virus

The problem with lust isn’t desire, it’s an unfaithful heart. Hosea 4:10-13 10 “They will eat but not have enough;     they will engage in prostitution but not

Life; Beyond Lust

Big idea Lust is seeing people we shouldn’t have and acting like we need them. Jesus shows us what real love is, and he really

Real Love

Jesus showed real love by serving those who could do nothing for him. Luke 7:36-50 36Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner

Looking with your heart

God is interested in the attitude of our hearts, not minimal rule-keeping. Matthew 5:27-30 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit

Epic Rest

What’s the best rest you’ve ever had? Is it after a good long sleep in? A relaxing, stress-free day? Jesus invites us to have rest

You must be crazy

Sometimes our family and friends will think we’re crazy for following Jesus, because they don’t see how important his quest is. Matthew 10:34-36 34 “Do

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