The Quiet Life

What does it look like for you to live a ‘quiet life’? 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 9 Now about your love for one another we do

Empowered living for Christ

How do we grasp the grace of God to move away from living for self (ungodliness) to being empowered to live for Christ? Titus 2:11-14

Drink deep from what is good

Are we lazy to drink deeply from the gifts God has given us? Proverbs 26:15 15 A sluggard buries his hand in the dish;    

#ChangeTheHeart this Australia Day

The tensions around Australia Day have become steadily harder to navigate. As Christians our first response should be to listen, and then to pray for a change of heart – in ways that bring reconcilliation.

LIFE; Beyond Sloth

Big idea Sloth is when we’re too lazy or too busy to live as a part of God’s kingdom. Jesus shows us how to faithfully

Compassion for the lost.

In our love for the lost people of this world we need to see as Jesus saw and feel as Jesus felt so that we

More satisfying than laziness

We’re tempted to think a lazy life is a satisfying life, but Jesus shows us something different Proverbs 26:14 14 As a door turns on

The Joy of Hospitality

Warmly and generously welcoming newcomers is something we should do often and do together.

Saved from Indulgence to Service

Because Christ has saved us from gluttony, and in light of his return, we have been saved from a life of indulgence and complacency to a life of sacrificial service.

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