Truth is Important

In each instance recorded here, there is a challenge to truth and as people defy truth only misery can follow. Luke 22:54 – 71 Peter

Betrayed with a kiss

The eventual arrest of Jesus by his own envious ruling religious elite was perhaps inevitable, but who would have thought that Jesus would be betrayed

Turning Bad into Good.

When is a time you have been rejected?  What did that feel like?   Luke 22:47 – 51 Jesus arrested 47 While he was still speaking a

Exhausted from sorrow.

The disciples are found sleeping on the job – but why? Luke 22:45 – 46 45 When he rose from prayer and went back to the

Man of Sorrows

Have you ever seen great, important people in their private or vulnerable moments?  Luke 22:41 – 44 41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them,

Dealing with a Mundane Life

Although life can be very mundane, we need to be assured that God is doing great things with and through his people. Haggai 2:1 –

Prayer in challenging times

When times of trouble or temptation come, first ask God for his help.  Luke 22: 39 – 40 Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives

The Loving Saviour

Jesus, even under the greatest trials, continued to show love to all around him.  Luke 22:39 – 53 Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives

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