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December 2019

WEEK 2 – An Epic Birth

Big idea From the moment Jesus is born as a human, God is with us in a new way. He is the one we’ve all

Immanuel “God is with us

In a time of conflict Isaiah prophesied a saviour or rescuer. A baby who would be called Immanuel (“God with us”.) Matthew 1:22-25 22 All

We don’t listen to the world

Though the world may want us to do certain things, to be and act a certain way, we must first listen to the one who

A Good King – a Better King

The tone of a community improves and there develops a greater confidence in its leaders whenever wrongs are identified and correct practices are implemented. 2

The Greatest King

A great King keeps us waiting for the Greatest King. 2 Samuel 5:6-12 6 The king and his men marched to Jerusalem to attack the

God’s Redemption and Care for his People

The end of Ruth’s story shows God’s care and faithfulness, and points towards God’s coming redemption through Jesus, who descended from Ruth and Boaz. Ruth-

The Red Cord of Grace

The story of Rahab can by symbolised by the red cord of grace. Joshua 6:22-25 22 Joshua said to the two men who had spied

WEEK 1 – An Epic Backstory

Big idea Jesus is the hero of God’s epic story told in the whole Bible. Bible passage Matthew 1:1-17 All Ages Activity Every hero has

Waiting for Fulfilment

Do you sometimes find it hard to be patient as you wait for something good that is yet to come? Genesis 49:8-12 8 “Judah,your brothers

Blessings Follow Obedience

God is ready to bless us, but we have to let Him work according to His timetable. Genesis 12:1-3 The Lord had said to Abram,

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