September 2019

Good Reasons for Good Habits

Forming godly habits are not about being a better person, they are about savouring and enjoying God through Jesus. Galatians 2:20 20 I have been

Our Compassionate Lord

Our Lord shows amazing compassion to a man who behaved badly and was a social outcast. Luke 19:1-10  19 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A

Encouragement for Sinful People

Because of Jesus there is always hope and encouragement even for most messed up and corrupted lives. Luke 19:1-10  19 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing

Mercy and Praise

When we call upon the mercy of Jesus from our darkness, He hears us and gives us reason to praise Him forever. Luke 18:35-43  35 As

Blind faith

Have faith like the blind man Luke 18:35-43  35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36 When he heard the crowd

Blind and Seeing

Big idea Jesus sees how lost in sin we are, and has come to seeks and save us. Bible passage   Luke 18:35-19:10 (Key verse –

Desperate for Mercy

All people need to be certain they have mercy from the Lord and should cry out to him until they receive it. Luke 18:35-43  35 As

Jesus Came to Save the Lost

Jesus came to save people from all walks of life. Luke 18:35-19:10  35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36 When

The true mission of the Messiah

The disciples still don’t have the full picture of what Jesus came to do.  Luke 18:31-34  31 Jesus took the Twelve aside and told them, ‘We are

Bible Talks


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