July 2019

Lost in the distance – lost up close

What a passage this is! Luke 15:11-32  11 Jesus continued: ‘There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, “Father, give me

Lost and Found

Big Idea:  We are only in the right place when we are in God’s family.  God sent Jesus to bring us home to his family.

Lost and Found

Whilst we are all lost at some point, the Lord will not give up until he finds us. Luke 15:1-10  15 Now the tax collectors and


Everyone is welcomed when found Luke 15:1-10 – Focus on Verses 1 to 3 15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering round to hear

Stand Firm In The Truth

Why do we forget the truth that we read in the Bible? Luke 24:1-12 On the first day of the week, very early in the

Blind to our King

A King who dies for the very people who reject him. John 19:1-37 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 The soldiers twisted together a

Jesus Prays

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays with earnest and resolute faith in the face of the cross, forgiving us and giving us hope and

Bible Talks


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