June 2019

King Solomon Falls

Big idea: Solomon isn’t the son who brings the blessing God promised. He chooses not to live with only God as his loving king. Bible

The Pattern of Sin

Can the sin pattern of the king be broken by the Greatest King? 2 Samuel 11 In the spring, at the time when kings go off

Our Crucified Lord

The mercy of God has the cross of Jesus as its focus and without the cross there is no forgiveness.

Trusting our Merciful God

The Lord shows mercy to sinners and it is only appropriate for us to trust him alone for the mercy we need.

Bravery for the King

David’s men were very brave but the greatest of bravery was shown by Jesus when he went to the cross for us. 2 Samuel 23:8-39  

The leader we’ve all been looking for

Although the poetic warrior-king David was a great leader, he points to Jesus, the ultimate leader, who makes us right with God. 2 Samuel 23:1-7  

A Saviour’s Anthem

David sang of God’s saving grace in different seasons of life.  2 Samuel 22   22 David sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him

What Sort of Kingdom?

Two kings are mentioned here but neither provides the kingdom we need, only Jesus Christ can do that.  2 Samuel 21   21 During the reign of

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