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April 2019

God’s love runs deeper

God’s grief at humankind’s sin is deep, but His love runs deeper Genesis 6:1-8 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and

Samson | Family Service | Talk 1

Samson, a man set apart to save God’s people, follows Adam — he sees, desires, and takes things God has told him not to. But God is faithful to his people and promises so works through Samson to deliver his people

The Fall

Big idea Sin breaks God’s good world and the perfect relationship with God and us (and each other). Bible passage Genesis 3:1-19 You will need

Curse extended – curse restrained

The curse is growing, extending and further relationships are being infected. Genesis 4:1-16 Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to


Being a disciple involves loving Jesus more than you love anything else in your life.  Luke 14:25-34 25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus and

An Invitation for All

Jesus offers everyone an invitation to God’s eternal kingdom. Luke 14:15-24 15 When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said

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