18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, – Ephesians 5:18

On first glance, this seems like a clean-cut verse, that we might often skip over because we’re not known for getting ‘drunk on wine’. But if we stop and look at what it’s actually saying, I believe there’s more to it than that. When you’re drunk, you lose control – what fills a person controls a person. Rather than being filled/controlled by our sin (alcohol, anger, unkind thoughts, gossip etc), we are to be ‘filled with the Spirit’. This is not a suggestion, but a command. If we are filled with the Spirit, then we will be controlled by the Spirit – much better than resisting God’s will and going our own way.
Why not take a moment now to pray that God would fill you with the Spirit for your day ahead:
Dear heavenly father, thank you for today. Before I start my day, I want to put it in your hands, Lord. Help me to lean on you and draw my strength from you. Help me to follow your will and not my own. I want to be filled with the Spirit so that you are in control today and not me. Help me to be your vessel. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Janet – Creek Road Campus