Family Growth Term 4 2018
Week 9- Why Don’t Christians Always Act Like Jesus?
Big idea
It’s tempting to think we’re better than others because it makes us feel good but really we’re all sinful and need Jesus’ forgiveness. Jesus tells us that how we live should reflect God’s grace.
Bible passage
Luke 18:9-14
All Ages Activity
Everyone in the family or growth group get a piece of paper. Write on it the name of someone at their school or work who is naughtier or nastier than you.
Now search on YouTube for “The Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector” by Saddleback Kids.
Watch it.
Discuss with your family or growth group about times you are tempted to be like the Pharisee in this parable. When do you look down on others and think you are better than them?
Look back at the name you wrote down. Are you tempted to think you are better than that person?
We can all get too proud sometimes, and think we are better than others around us. Jesus wants us to be humble and remember that we are all sinners who need mercy from God. And once we realise that we can humbly get on with doing good things for God. Not so that we can be proud, but out of thankfulness to a loving God who has forgiven us for our sin. All because of Jesus!
Prayer idea
Dear Lord
Have mercy on us. We are sinners.
Thank you for Jesus who paid the price for us sinners at the cross. Thank you that you have shown mercy and forgiven us. Help us get on with doing good things for God because we are so thankful for your love and mercy.
In the name of our Saviour Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit,