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Family Growth Term 1 2019

WEEK 3 – When You Pray

Big Idea

Jesus says we can have the same relationship with God the Father that he has.

Bible Passage

Read Luke 11:1-13

 All Ages Activity

Write out on a large bit of paper the Lord’s prayer (v.2-4):


    may your name be honoured.

May your kingdom come.

Give us each day our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins,

    as we also forgive everyone who sins against us.

Keep us from falling into sin when we are tempted.

Get members of your family or growth group to write next to each line how Jesus fulfils this prayer at with his death, resurrection and sending the Holy Spirit.


It is amazing that we can call the God of the universe our Dad. He loves and look after us. And all this is possible because he sent his son Jesus to die, rise to life, and send the Holy Spirit. We have been forgiven, and now we can look forward to spending forever with our heavenly Dad. And in the mean time we have the Holy Spirit to help us to forgive others and resist the temptations that would turn us away from our heavenly Dad.

Prayer idea

Take it turns as a family or growth group to go line by line through the Lord’s prayer, and thank your heavenly Dad for how what Jesus did is the answer to that line.

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