Cross, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Daily Devotion, Family Growth, Sin

Family Growth Term 2 2018

Week 10: Waiting for the True King

Big idea

1 Samuel finishes where it started.  With the proud king dead in the grave, we are still waiting for God’s humble king, who will be raised up.

Bible passage

1 Samuel 31:1-7

You will need

Google ‘Emoji Faces’. Print off a range of faces that represent a full range of emotions. Cut them out or have them on a grid to compare emotions.


All Ages Activity

Look at all the EMOJI faces you have printed out. As a family or growth group discuss the different emotions represented by each emoji and when you may have felt that way.


Read 1 Samuel 31:1-7 together as a family or growth group.
As you read along hold up the emoji that you think represents what the people in story might be feeling (sad, scared, angry etc.).

Focus particularly on you think Saul must have felt before he fell on his sword and died.
I think Saul would have felt pretty sad and angry that his sons had died; also scared and without hope, because he gave up and didn’t want to live any more. Saul had lost hope. He was a proud king, but ended up dead in the grave.  It is a really, really sad thing to have lost hope in what God can do.

But we have GOOD NEWS!!! We know that Jesus is the humble king who died and rose again to give us hope. A real & lasting hope for all. We never need to get to the point of hopelessness that Saul did. Don’t die without hope – keep trusting in Jesus.


Thank God for the hope we have in Jesus.
Ask God to give us strength to live and trust in him when we’re tempted to feel hopeless.
Praise God for the people in our church and families who remind us of the hope we have in Jesus.