We can learn a lot from Paul’s prayers. We are now at the start of one of his best. Often our prayers are mere petitions about our circumstances or those of others and how we would like these circumstances to change in a way that gives us fewer problems. Now there is nothing wrong with asking God for things to change. We are encouraged to bring all our concerns to Him at any time. But here we see Paul praying for a deeper and richer experience of Christ for his church.
He wants Christ to dwell richly in our hearts through faith. He wants Jesus to live his life within us. He wants us to be aware of Jesus’ presence through his spirit in the centre of our lives. He says this will happen through faith. So, to me that means we must constantly exercise what we know to be true through faith – namely that Christ is with us.
The second great truth Paul wants his readers to know is that they are ‘rooted and established in love.’ We are deeply loved by God the Father. Isn’t that amazing!! He then launches from that base to pray for more wonderful understanding for these believers.
Eph. 3:17
17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love

So today as you go about your life, as you experience the varied circumstances facing you remember these two truths that Paul wants you to know. The Lord Jesus dwells in your heart and that you are ‘rooted and established’ in Him through God’s love for you.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father. We give you thanks for Jesus through whom we enjoy our relationship with you. We thank you that he dwells within our hearts. Help us to experience more of that indwelling through faith. We thank you for your love. Amen.
A song to listen to: How Deep the Father’s Love
Tim Hewlett – Living Church Creek Road