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It’s getting harder & harder to find a seat on Sunday.

In the past 12 months, or so, we have seen:-

  • More people coming to visit Living Church – seeing what we’re about,
  • More people who choose to stay and make Living Church their home,
  • More people making the return from the displacement of the pandemic in 2020 & 2021.  Many churches around the world have found that church attendance was significantly impacted by COVID, Living Church included

In fact, we have figures to back up these observations.

In Term 3, 2022, average attendance at our Sunday services = 346

In Term 3, 2023, average attendance at our Sunday services = 436

That’s a 26% increase in attendance.

So exciting.  We have been praying that we will be “an ever-growing community” and it seems God is sending us people. 

Numbers, of themselves, don’t matter.  What does matter are the people those numbers represent –– people coming to hear the truth of the gospel.  People seeking to grow in their faith.

Can we ask, that together as a church, we seat ourselves away from the aisle, in the middle of the row? This leaves seats that newer people can see & makes the church more welcoming.

Happy to talk this through if you have some concerns.  Call the Office (3398 4333) & I’ll be in touch.