Family Growth Term 1 2019
WEEK 4 – The Kingdom Has Come
Big idea
See Jesus is more powerful than anyone else and pick His side.
Bible passage
Luke 11:14-23
will need
A thick rope (long enough to use for tug of war with your group)
All Ages Activity
Form 2 evenly matched tug of war teams with your family or growth group members. See which team wins a best of 3 tug of war contest. If the teams were evenly matched, it shouldn’t have been easy for one team to win.
Change the teams so that one team now has much stronger people than the other team. See which team wins a best of 3 tug of war contest now.
How did the people on the winning team feel? How did the people on the losing team feel? Which team would you prefer to be on – the weaker or stronger team?

Every day we are in a spiritual battle against Satan and sometimes we can feel overpowered – a bit like the people on the losing tug of war team. We might not feel strong enough to fight Satan all the time but Jesus is stronger than us and much more powerful than Satan. We don’t need to be strong because Jesus is strong for us and can overpower Satan easily. We need to pick Jesus’ side and ask Him to fight for us in our spiritual battles.
Prayer idea
Dear Lord,
Thank you that you are so much stronger and more powerful than Satan. Help me to not rely on my own strength but to pick Jesus’ side and ask for your help with my spiritual battles.
In Jesus name, and by the Holy Spirit we pray,