Term 3 Workshop – Grace Based Parenting

17 August, 2024 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

As a parent you can constantly feel stressed out and tried. As a parent you can get lost in the middle of juggling all that is needed just to keep your family going. As a parent you can feel the pressure to do everything “right” and raise up “good” children. With so many resources and opinions out there, where do you turn?

This parenting workshop offers a chance to step back and take stock. Rather than simple “to do” lists, this workshop will help you as parents grasp a hold of the vision for parenting that comes from God himself and the grace he offers each of us as parents and children.

This interactive workshop will include:

  • a look at the core principles behind grace-based parenting
  • discussion groups with parents at the same stage of life
  • Q&A panel with experienced parents who can share their own personal wisdom
  • Child-minding available so both parents can come

It is never too late to start with grace-based parenting so please consider coming along whether you are just starting your parenting journey, working through how to parent adult children, or anywhere in between.

Click here to register.