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Paul gets down on his knees to pray for the church. First agenda item with God: spiritual strength.

Eph. 3:15-16

15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

Do you work out much? I don’t. But I go to the gym sometimes, and there I see a crowd giving literal blood, sweat and tears to getting stronger. And I notice it takes self-discipline, apparently a lot of spandex, and also the right kind of fuel- vitamins and protein bars and all that. Working out without eating right will land you sick and weak in hospital!

I wonder if spiritual muscles are the same? To get spiritually strong certainly involves us exercising our spiritual muscles by reflecting on God’s word and making godly decisions and doing godly things. But it also needs the right kind of fuel for us to grow strong. Paul prays that God would give them the crucial fuel they need to grow strong: the Holy Spirit’s help and power! And what a great help it is- it comes out of God’s own glorious riches.

I often don’t feel strong enough to say/do/think the right things to please God and tell others about him. So, I’m so comforted and emboldened by knowing its God who supplies the power I need to do the things he asks me, through his Holy Spirit in me.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I know you are so rich in power- I can see it in the world around me, and the way lives change when they follow you! Please help me to trust in your power to live a life pleasing to you. Please give me the strength I need for today, whatever I face.

I ask confidently because Jesus, your Son, died to make me part of your forever family. Thank-you.
In His name, Amen.

A song to listen to: Jesus Paid It All  

Danae Woodward – Living Church, Creek Road

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