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Prayer 14 September 2023

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude toward each other that Christ Jesus had.

Romans 15:5
  • Pray for Karen & Brian Stirk, Ben Jackson and Lauren Collard as they prepare to go on the Philippines mission exposure trip. Pray for safety as they travel and pray that God will use them in all sorts of different ways.
  • Pray for good and godly applicants for the assistant to the minister position we are currently advertising for. Pray for wisdom for the board as they seek to fill this position.
  • Pray for Miki Rangiawha as she continues her time onboard Logos Hope. Pray for strength and energy. Praise God that she is feeling his presence and is growing in so many different ways.
  • Pray for people in our congregation that are struggling with illnesses. Pray that God will give them strength and peace.