Update from the Moderator-Elect.
Previous communications have indicated that there is an expectation for a judgement concerning our case to be brought down in the second half of this year.
Given it is now October, we want to inform you that we are still awaiting the judgement of the Court. When we receive word, we will, in turn inform you all.
As we await the judgement from the Court we continue to be mindful that the Church should be diligent and persevering in prayer concerning these matters.
Our prayer should be both individual and corporate.
Mindful of this, you will receive a call to corporate prayer, including prayer points, concerning these matters in the coming weeks. Our desire is that these prayer points will provide a resource for the Church, and especially your congregation, as we prayerfully await the judgement of the Court.
“… do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6