Nominations to Code and Legal Reference Committee

The Code and Legal Reference Committee is seeking expressions of interest from male and female members of the church who would be interested in serving on the committee.

The Code and Legal Reference Committee is a Special Committee of the State Assembly which meets as is required.  Ordinarily, there are four (4) to six (6) meetings between Assemblies, which are ordinarily held on a Monday evening commencing at 5:30 pm.

Its primary work consists of initiating changes to the Rules of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland (also known as the Standing Orders and Rules and Forms of Procedure) and reviewing proposed amendments suggested by other bodies and individuals within the church.

One of its long-term goals is to rewrite the PCQ Code Book.

If you have training or interest in civil law, experience or interest in the application of the churches’ rules and processes, including service as a clerk, knowledge and interest in governance or the Polity of the church, you could be a person who could make a contribution to the Code and Legal Reference Committee.

The Committee meets by video conference so geographical location is not a barrier to participation.

Please contact Diann Bamford at if you would like to express your interest, or if you would like to find out further information concerning this invitation to serve on the Committee.