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News Room

Working Bee – 27th April 2024

We are having a Working Bee on April 27th 8am – 12pm. There are a variety of jobs that need to get done and we would really appreciate your help! Some of the jobs include: Gardening Decluttering Reorganising and storage of equipment in various rooms Simple maintenance jobs Please bring any of the below items if you have them. Gloves, trailer, tip vouchers, weeding gardening tools, a cordless drill with some drill bits, crowbar, trenching

Church Life Registrations

Church Life is our quarterly get together where we talk about future plans for Living Church and some of the discussions happening at a leadership level in the church. Term 2 Church Life will run from 6:30-8:30pm on April 17. We’ll be talking a little about our upcoming workshop looking at Men’s and Women’s ministry’s past, and what it might look like for Living Church in the future. We’ll also talk about plans for better

Galatians over the Holiday Break

Over the school holidays, most, if not all our Growth Groups take a break.  These breaks are great because they bring refreshment, and it means that the people who are travelling don’t miss being together. This is the first time, that our Teaching Series, Galatians: Set Free to Live Free, will continue over the break.  To enable people to continue to  reflect on those passages from the sermons – we have provided two devotions that

Farewell Dan & Gayle Neville

After many years of faithful ministry at Living Church, Dan & Gayle Neville have let us know that they are moving to another church.  It is always sad when people move away but we are excited for what God has in store for Dan & Gayle in the future.  While at Living Church, Dan and Gayle have served both as Growth Group Coaches and Growth Group Leaders.  Their ministry in this area is one that

Church Life Registrations

Church Life is our quarterly get together where we talk about future plans for Living Church and some of the discussions happening at a leadership level in the church. Term 2 Church Life will run from 6:30-8:30pm on April 17. We’ll be talking a little about our upcoming workshop looking at Men’s and Women’s ministry’s past, and what it might look like for Living Church in the future. We’ll also talk about plans for better

Youth Combo Night

It was wonderful seeing so many youth from across Brisbane gathering at our church building on Friday 15th March for Combo Night. There was over 350 youth and leader representing 18 churches. The guest speaker was Mike Dicker, principal of Youthworks College. We will be hosting another Combo Night later in the year with John Dickson speaking at it.