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News Room

Term 4 Workshop – Healthy Marriage

Our Term 4 Workshop will be on October 21st from 8:30am – 12:30pm. Marriage is spoken about in the opening chapters of the bible, it has been a cornerstone of human culture since the beginning and it has been the subject of massive debate in the contemporary western world. At our term 4 workshop we’ll be talking about what biblical marriage is, why it’s so important, why it’s not ultimate, and how we can have

Term 4 Church Life

Our Term 4 Church Life is on October 4th from 6:30pm. We will be talking about the 2024 budget, Service team developments, and looking at the 2024 ministry Calendar. Come along, be informed, have a say, and connect with others across the church.

Mission Partner Update from the Howells

A few weeks ago, Paul and Deb Howells finished their 2nd missionary conference. They have put together a short video. Click either of these links to watch. Website Link – YouTube Link –

Carols Carnival

September may seem a little early to start talking Christmas, BUT, the awesomeness of Christmas at Living Church is a result of planning and preparation and the faithfulness of many, many people. So, the anticipation starts early. This year at Living Church we aren’t just having Christmas Carols, but a Carols CARNIVAL. On December 10th there will LOTS of ways for us all to be involved. So, we need to start thinking now about how

Prayer 14 September 2023

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude toward each other that Christ Jesus had. Romans 15:5

Term 3 Ministry & Equipping Training

In church, diversity is a gift from God in two ways. One is the way God has given individuals different talents and gifts that are then brought together to be used as one Body of Christ. The other is the opportunity to grow through the friction that often comes when we figure out how to fit our gifts and talents together. This means that sometimes we have to have hard conversations and confront uncomfortable truths.

Girls Night & Boys Night

On Friday 11th September Living Youth had their annual Girls Night and Boys Night. Girls Night! Girls Night this year was a great night of community and fun where we focused on what Biblical friendship looks like. We played some active games, had dessert, and worshipped around the fire. The spiritual input sparked great conversations on the different ways we love our Christian and non-Chrsitian friends, and how we can take Jesus’ example of loving

Prayer 17 August 2023

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.Hebrews 13:16

Youth Combo Night

As we prepare to host a combined youth event this Friday night here are some details that will be helpful. YOUTH You can still come for our regular Living Church Fridays dinner from 6pm. But when it hits 6:30pm please move into the auditorium with all the other youth arriving from then. There will be all sorts of activities happening in the auditorium as people arrive that you can be a part of ahead of