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Cross, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Daily Devotion, Family Growth, Sin

Family Growth Term 1 2018

Week 1: The New Way Announced

Big idea

God announces Jesus as the new way home to him.


Bible passage

Luke 1:26-38


You will need

Paper and coloured pens (for primaries)

Access to YouTube (for high schoolers)


Primary Activity

Get some paper & coloured pens. Make a poster together announcing Mary’s amazing news.

High School Activity

Search on YouTube for “A Social Network Christmas” by IgniterMedia

Watch it and see the announcements that might have been made if social media was around in those days.



Jesus’ arrival was the biggest announcement ever. God sent special angels to announce it to Mary, and then later the world. God is announcing that his son is coming to live with us. To be our king. To love us. To show us how to live. And to show us the way back home to him.   This is the best news ever announced.


Prayer idea

Dear Lord

Thanks that you chose to come and live among us to show us the way home.

Help us announce this news to our friends.

In Jesus name



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