It was great to have 80 people come along to our workshop on Men’s and Women’s Ministry last weekend. We covered a lot of material and some of it was quite heavy, but it was also a great encouragement to think hard about these issues together. With regards to any future plans for Men’s and Women’s Ministry at Living Church, the next steps we are going to work through are as follows:
1) Collate the ideas gathered from attendees at the workshop
2) Add to this list any feedback received after the Sunday Services on the same topic
3) Consult with key stakeholders about the ideas and feedback received
4) At the June 25th meeting of the Board, put together the plan for the first activities or events that we like to experiment with in this space
5) Announce these plans at Church Life in term 3 (July 10)
If you have any questions about the above process, please feel free to get in touch.