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Meet the Growth Group Coaches

Every now and again, when we chat about our Growth Group Coaches, people mention that they don’t know who the Coaches are or which Coach is associated with their Growth Group.

The Growth Group Coaches are great people and are always up for a chat about almost anything, but always about the Grow Ministry at Living Church. Anyone at Living Church can chat with any of the Coaches.

Sue & Tim Hewlett

Sue and Tim care for the Farley, Todman, Benn, Claes and Hewlett Growth Groups. They can be contacted via e: & or m: Tim – 0435 282 404 & Sue – 0434 648 002

Kent & Belinda Howlett

Kent and Belinda care for the Flaws, Tobin, Johnston, Grosser and Howlett Growth Groups. They can be contacted e: Kent m: 0459 575 708 Belinda m: 0432 431 899

Lorraine Eastwell

Lorraine cares for the McGregor/Camilleri, Fittell and Iedema Growth Groups. She can be contacted on e: or p: 3396 7804

Lyn & John Wallace

Lyn and John care for the Neville, Webb, Baque, Miller and Wallace Growth Groups and they can be contacted on e: or e:

Oliver Meehan

Ollie cares for the Gilpin, Klokman and Meehan Growth Groups and can be contacted on e: or m: 0422 949 140

Andrea Pryde

Andrea cares for the Rasmussen, Nasser/Chaters, Robinson, Pryde and our new Sunday After the Morning Service Growth Groups and can be contacted via e: or m: 0409 721 010