Big idea

Sloth is when we’re too lazy or too busy to live as a part of God’s kingdom. Jesus shows us how to faithfully work, rest, and play.

You will need

Things to make up a star chart (paper, pens, etc.). Or you can use an electronic star chart on the computer ( or an app (irewardchart).

Bible passage

1 Corinthians 15:58


We can all get lazy and not do the most important things. We can also get busy and not do the most important things. Both are sloth. Both are not getting the priorities right. The verse today encourages us to give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord. We do this because our work for the Lord is not worthless.

All Ages Activity

Spend some time as a family or growth group brainstorming what are the most important things as we live in God’s kingdom. Some of the important things for us as followers of Jesus might be church, growth group, serving others, reading your Bible, praying together, time with your family, time to study/work, time to rest, play time.

Once you have your full list pick out the ones you each struggle to give enough time to. Then make up a star chart to encourage each person to do them.

Track it during the next week and give each person a star when they make time to do the most important things.

In all this it is hard to remain strong by ourselves. We need the help of God. And we need each other to encourage us along. Take some time to pray for each other that God will help us make time for the most important things.


Heavenly Father, Thank you for making us part of your family. Help us to not be too lazy or too busy to do the most important things. Help us give ourselves fully to your work. Help us spend time with you and with your family. And help us be a part of inviting others to become part of your family. In the name of Jesus and by his Spirit we pray. Amen