Big idea

Gluttony is when we hunger for created things rather than being hungry for God and what he wants. Jesus fills our hunger.

You will need

Some tempting sweets, snacks or dessert.

Bible passage

Read Philippians 3:17-21

All Ages Activity

If you have some treats available put them in the middle of your group to eat. Discuss what foods tempt you most. While enjoying the treats do the following activity.

Each person in the family or growth group check the list below, and share if there is one thing on the list that they can’t get enough of or have a weakness for.

  • Chocolate
  • Lollies
  • Potato chips
  • Soft drink
  • Food in general
  • Toys
  • Computer games
  • Phone/device
  • Collecting things
  • YouTube videos
  • Social media
  • TV or Netflix
  • Internet surfing
  • Books/magazines
  • Photos/images
  • Exercise or Sport
  • Shopping
  • Clothes or shoes
  • A hobby or craft
  • For adults – alcohol
  • For adults – tobacco products
  • For adults – coffee or tea
  • Other – if not listed above


We are thinking about one of the 7 deadly sins called gluttony. Gluttony can almost be summed up by the saying “TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING”. When we think of gluttony we usually think of excessive eating or drinking, but the definition can extend further to other things where we just can’t get enough of something and continually want more. There is nothing wrong or bad about food or most of the other things in the list above, but when we hunger for them, crave them too much we are worshipping ourselves. When we try to satisfy our spiritual hunger with lots of worldly things we get bloated with food or distracted away from good relationships and from God. There is one place we can find rest from the ongoing craving and that is in Jesus. In the reading today we read that Jesus has the power to bring everything under control including our bodies. If we find that a craving or hunger has become excessive or distracting we can take our need to Jesus who is the one who can satisfy and fill us. He can help us enjoy all the good things in the list above in moderation.


Heavenly Father, Thanks you that we can come to you knowing that you understand. Please fill our hunger and give us rest from continually indulging in things of this world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen