Galatians over the Holiday Break

Over the school holidays, most, if not all our Growth Groups take a break.  These breaks are great because they bring refreshment, and it means that the people who are travelling don’t miss being together.

This is the first time, that our Teaching Series, Galatians: Set Free to Live Free, will continue over the break.  To enable people to continue to  reflect on those passages from the sermons – we have provided two devotions that correspond to the two sermons (7th & 14th April).  They appear in the Series Companions & on the Living Church web page – click here for the link

These devotions might be just the thing to reflect on as you commute to work, or wait to collect someone from the train, or with a quiet cup of tea at the beginning or end of the day.

They would also be a great topic to chat about if you catch-up with someone from your group or from church.

We would love to hear any feedback on these devotions and on having the series run over the holiday break. Email us at