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Faith for Exiles

“Ancient Babylon was the pagan-but-spiritual, hyper stimulated, multicultural, imperial crossroads that became the unwilling home for Judean exiles, including the prophet Daniel, in the sixth century BCE. But digital Babylon is not a physical place. It is the pagan-but-spiritual, hyper stimulated, multi-cultural, imperial crossroads that is the virtual home of every person with Wi-Fi, a data plan, or – for most of us – both.” – Faith for Exiles p20


It’s easy to think that the exile of Daniel’s day is distant and not really relevant to our modern lives. That we aren’t pressured by society to conform to practices that go against our beliefs. But in the book Faith for Exiles, the argument is made that we are all in danger of being swayed by the internet, and that if we don’t ground ourselves in a solid, resilient faith, we are in danger of being discipled by our screens. 

Spend a few moments thinking about how this might be true in your life. Spend some time praying about this. 

Vicki Meehan

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