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Other Events

Other Events at Living Church

Please reach out if you have any questions about our events.
Ministry Centre: 1541 Creek Road, Carina. 4152

Ministry Equipping & Training

May 9th 7:30pm-9pm OR May 11th 8am - 9:30am

Friendship and Community are really important things for us as people. Both are essential for us to flourish. They are also both vital for the achievement of our mission and vision here at Living Church. At our Ministry, Equipping and Training sessions this term we’ll be looking at how we as leaders can create spaces for friendships to develop in our ministry teams and how we can build community in the areas we have responsibility for. These will be important times of improving our skills in these areas and intentionally growing them in our church.  So get along on either Thursday (9th May) 7:30pm – 9pm or Saturday Morning (11th May) 8am – 9:30am. We look forward to seeing you there.

Term 2 Workshop - Men's & Women's Ministry

Saturday May 25th 8:30am - 12:30pm

Male and Female are distinct and fundamental ideas in the bible. Lots of good things have been achieved through Men’s and Women’s ministries across evangelical churches and we can thank God for this.  

However, while male and female are distinct and fundamental categories, many men’s and women’s books and resources have unhelpfully said that certain qualities or virtues are essential for what it means to be a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’. This has led to subtle changes that have shifted the focus from men and women pursuing Christlikeness.  

Rather than men and women being encouraged to be fully like Christ, men are encouraged to be a ‘biblical man’ and women to become ‘biblical women’ in ways that are not truly biblical.  

Often the picture of ‘biblical manhood’ or ‘biblical womanhood’ is shaped far more by culture and politics rather than deep engagement with the scriptures.  

We need to reflect deeply on the resources that have shaped our understanding of what it means to be a man or a woman, look again at the scriptures, and then work hard to rebuild men’s and women’s ministries at Living Church so they can serve our vision and mission statement as a church.  

Level Up 2024

Monday 1st - Friday 5th July 2024, 9:00am-12:30pm each day

Come join a week of fantastic fun with the Living Church Kids Team as we explore what it means to Level Up our faith in Jesus, knowledge of the Bible, and how to live for God in this world.

This holiday program will have five fun-filled half days of Bible stories, games, craft, sport and activities, leading up to a celebration for the whole family on Sunday at 9am – all with a Roman Empire theme!
This year open to kids in Kindy to Grade 6.


Age: Kindy – Grade 6

Where:  Living Church Ministry Centre,
1541 Creek Road Carina

Cost: $80 per child (max $200 per family)

  • If you are registering 3 or more children use the discount codes – 3KIDS, 4KIDS, 5KIDS
  • This includes a substantial morning tea

Registrations close
: Sunday 23rd June 2024


A chance to celebrate the fun we all had during the week. For the whole family with free Sausage Sizzle afterwards

Date: Sunday 7th July 2022

Time: 9:00am 

Where:  Living Church Ministry Centre, 
1541 Creek Road Carina

Cost: Free

If you have any questions please contact the office on 3398 4333 or