Electronic Check-In on Sundays – We need your input

We need your input.

Earlier in the year, the Board endorsed a plan to expand electronic check-in to Sunday Services at Living Church.

The purpose of this expansion is to better understand how people come along to and then the way in which they join our church.  There have been more than 150 new people visit in Term 2 alone and trying to learn names, understand who is coming once, who is coming back and why people take different paths as they join is a task beyond manual systems.

Plans are being developed now.

As James said at Church Life in April, we very much want to hear from anyone who has ideas or concerns around this project.  While plans are being developed – they are still very much being developed and are not “set in stone”.  So – do not hesitate to be in touch with me.  We would love to hear from anyone and everyone.

My contact details are:-


0409 721 010

Or via the Office or Next Steps Desk.

In the weeks to come there will be more details in the Newsletter regarding this project, so keep an eye out for those posts.

Your questions, ideas and queries will inform not only our plans but also what appears in the Newsletter in future weeks, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Andrea Pryde, Adult Ministries