Family Growth Term 4 2018
Week 8-Does God Love Boys and Girls the Same?
Big idea
Men and women often fight with each other about who is better. God created people as male and female. We are different but neither is better than the other.
Bible reading
Galatians 3:26-29
There are all sorts of different people in the world – old people, young people, boys, girls, people with red hair, people with brown eyes – God made everyone, and everyone is unique. Everyone has a unique set of gifts and abilities, and God loves us no matter who we are or what we can do. God does not say ‘you are just too young, you are just a boy, you are just a girl’. You are just the way God wanted you to be. You are a fearfully wonderfully made creation.
What are you good at? How do you shine for God? How do you add to the body of Christ?
You might like to draw a self-portrait and label all the things you are great at, or take a selfie and write/edit some text around it e.g. ‘All one in Christ Jesus’.
How does everyone work together at church, regardless of what they look like or their gender?
Prayer idea
Thank you God that you made everyone, including us.
Help us see people like you do, and see the value in everybody.
Thank that as God’s family we are all one in Christ Jesus.
In Jesus name