2 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. 5 1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children  – Ephesians 4:32 – 5:1

I find forgiveness hard.. maybe hardest of all.  There’s a deep sense of justice in me which always seems to permit, as justified, the thought that some people, some acts, some words are too hurtful, too damaging, too.. just wrong to deserve my forgiveness.  But I know the theory.  I know what I’m supposed to do.  So why don’t I?  What stops me from getting past my own judgement of right and wrong, over and above God’s, and what moves me in direct opposition to what Jesus has called me to do? 

This kind of introspection leaves me wondering, just how integrated my faith in Jesus really is.  I mean, if I really believed, really trusted.. wouldn’t I have a conviction to extend even a portion of the same life-saving grace in forgiveness of others, as was extended to me?  Even as I write this, the “yes but..” statements flood my mind.  Whose voice is that?  I know whose it isn’t..  It isn’t the Holy Spirit, it isn’t Jesus, it isn’t God. 

I need to repent.. to practice the theory, out of obedience and gratitude.  I know God will meet me there. 

I pray thanks to God, for forgiveness and hope and invite the Spirit to guide and shape me.  In Jesus’ name.   Kristian – Creek Road Campus