We gather with the Lord today as the people of God. This is true whether we are “live” or online. He will speak to us in his word. He will hear our praise and prayers, even if our contribution is entirely silent to human ears. He will encourage us with his love and the love of his people.
Psalm 25 verse 4 says, “Make your way known to me, Lord, teach me your path.” With that as your prayer, participation in today’s service will act as an adjustment to your life. You can anticipate the time as a gentle communion with your Lord when he listens to you and helps you to be ready for the struggles of the coming week. Where old unhelpful ways have crept in, they will be challenged. God’s grace to you in Jesus will be reinforced in your thinking. As God speaks in his word, he will call you to a renewal of that first love for Jesus and the rekindled joy of knowing sins are forgiven and you have peace with God.
Remember that the unique part of this time is that it is with others who share your faith in Jesus and carry similar burdens.
David Johnston – Living Church, Creek Road