God didn’t send Jesus to save us because of any good or bad thing we have, but because of his great love for us.
Eph. 2:4-5
4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

Why did God send Jesus to save us? I think sometimes we can be tempted to think “Because we’re sinful”. But in saying that, are we making his actions about us? About what we needed when we were “dead in transgressions”?
This passage in Ephesians shows it is because of God’s love and richness in mercy that he sent Jesus to save us. It is literally nothing we have done – good or bad – but God’s love for us, and desire to be in relationship with us. And the fact he loved us despite our rebellion; this is God’s grace.
As we see a bit later in the week, Paul concludes this section of his letter by telling us it is by grace we have been saved, and that grace is a gift from God (v8).
In reflecting on this idea, I find the song “Grace” by City Alight a great reminder of what we’ve been given so freely.
“By grace I am redeemed, By grace I am restored, And now I freely walk, Into the arms of Christ my Lord”
Prayer: My Heavenly Father, Thank you that you sent Jesus to save me. Thank you that you love me so much, that you gave me life even when I didn’t deserve it. I confess that I take this for granted, and even try to make it about me. Please help me live in the security and sufficiency of what Jesus has done for me at the cross. Amen
A song to listen to: Grace – Grace – City Alight
Vicki Meehan
Living Church Creek Road Campus