People become Growth Group Leader (GGL) on the basis of :-

  • Character – are they open to having their character shaped by God?
  • Conviction – are they convinced of the centrality of Christ, faith and scripture?
  • Content – are they able to handle the Bible appropriately?
  • Competence – are they able or can they acquire the skills to lead a group?
  • Commitment – are they committed to the well being of the group?
  • Confidence – are they confident to lead or willing to build that confidence?
  • Count On – are they dependent on God in prayer?

A GGL is identified by the above list. For each person, it is reasonable to expect that their current GGL and the Growth Group Coach (GGC) will be aware of the person and therefore able to recommend and speak on behalf of the person proposed for Growth Group (GG) leadership.

Therefore each person’s journey towards GG leadership will differ because each person comes with different skills, abilities and experience. Some people will be direct appointed to GG Leadership and some people will be apprenticed.

For example:-

  1. Someone may have been a GGL at another church or in another ministry team such as Youth, and so will need less time coming to understand matters such as group dynamics and pastoral care
  2. Someone may have qualifications in theology and so are already across the biblical knowledge that is required
  3. Someone begins an GGL Apprenticeship and then it becomes clear that they are matters in the person’s life that while not disqualifying them from GGL may require some time to be addressed
    Not every person will pass through a GGL Apprenticeship as it is one tool to help individuals meet the competencies that are required of a GGL. All GGL are required to take part in regular and ongoing training during the tenure of their leadership.

An Apprenticeship looks like – doing the job of a GGL with the active support of their GGL (and possibly GGC) until the person is able to meet the competencies.

A new GGL can be identified as:-

  • a person who is growing in Godliness
  • a person people are happy to follow
  • someone who behaves in a GG with humility, love, looking out for others
  • someone who works well alongside people.
  • someone who actively participates in a GG.
  • someone who is a self-starter.

All new GGL, once they are ready to fulfill the Role of GGL (see attachment) must be recommended to the Board and will be orientated to their new role.


  1. Volunteering for the role of GGL is great, but it should be seen as an “Expression of Interest”
  2. GGL do ministry alongside their GGC – with whom they meet regularly, talk through their ministry, seek assistance and guidance, undertake training and resolve problems
  3. GG Leadership is not forever – you can step back for a defined period of time or permanently
  4. Often the best GGL are people who have had a break – so if you step back, there is all likelihood that we will ask you again


Living Church GGL are:

  • • Described by the Six C’s and a D
  • Recommended by their current GGL & their GGC but can be identified by any person in the church
  • Approved by the Board (to commence and then part of an annual approval process)
  • Undertaken Orientation and committed to ongoing training

Growth Group rules of thumb

Living Church Growth Groups:- Read the Bible together Pray Care for each other Are invested in each other’s maturity in Christ As such – the

Growth Group weekends away

The Grow Ministry at Living Church is a key way that, together, we seek to become mature in Christ. Growth Groups are a place where